First let’s take a look at your pictures
- Does your photo follow the Tic Tac Toe rule? This rule refers to the item not being centered in focus and squared off in the photo. It's been proven that items pictured slightly askew garner more clicks.
- Is the focus on the product? Staging can be a great way to add to the uniqueness of the listing photo, but make sure nothing else in the photo is taking attention away from the product itself.
- Can you see the design from the thumbnail? Ensure that your thumbnail stands out compared to the sea of listings surrounding yours.
- Does the color pop and does the item have contrast with everything else in the photo? Having your photo be clear as to what it is you're selling is important.

talk about Titles & tags
- Do your tags contain the first word/phrase of your title? Make sure your tags are relevant to the item you're selling, not just the design content.
- Does your title start with something you would search to find the product? Act as the customer if you're unsure how to work this one out. Search for the product you want to sell and see if your results are relevant in comparison to your title.
- Do your title, tags, and design mesh?
- Are you using the right Etsy category for this product? Again, check what others are doing for similar products if you're unsure.

Now let's check your pricing
- Are your prices lower than competitors selling a similar product? Be sure to do some research beforehand to get an edge on the competition.
- Have you dropped the price on an unpopular variant to show a very low price? This will show customers that you are running a sale from the thumbnail, even if it's only on one variant.
- Are you running a 1-day sale at 75% off? This is also visible from the thumbnail and provides customers with a sense of urgency to buy your product.

- Bonus tips!
- Offer multiple designs
- Show multiple designs in the thumbnail
- Include a video for your thumbnail or additional media
Wrong vs Right
Side by side comparison on least efficient way to compose your listing photos versus the most efficient way